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Kim Ann Foxman is frustrated with the norm. “I sometimes get worried that there are no longer enough freaks in the world.’ she murmurs ‘I love Grace Jones because she has balls and she’s the last alien on earth.” 

This adopted New Yorker is screaming for the dance industry to shake its style like Grace. “Her presence is so immense, any little thing she does, every slight movement, you can feel.” And it is this sense of vitality that Foxman will expand in the next chapter of her remarkable career. 

Foxman has now gone full circle. She’s stepped away from singing with New York’s neo-disco collective Hercules and Love Affair to return to her fundamental passions: rocking clubs as a DJ and producing raw electronic music. Channeling such a revived focus she’s also unleashing a brand new record label – Firehouse - in a promising collaboration with London based music and art label The Vinyl Factory. 

KIM ANN FOXMAN è presentato in Italia da

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