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I The Body sono pronti a tornare sulle scene e lo fanno annunciando l’uscita del loro nuovo album intitolato “I’ve Seen All I Need To See” che verrà pubblicatoda Thrill Jockey Records.

Il disco è stato registrato assieme a Seth Machester (Daughters), masterizzato da Matt Colton (Aphex Twin, Sunn O))), Sumac) e vede la partecipazione di Chrissy Wolpert e Ben Eberle.

Manchester parla così dell’album:

It’s a meditation on distortion. We tried pushing the limits of each piece of gear in the studio to hear what its breaking point sounded like and then recorded it – even feeding the console back on itself during one particular live take

Colton aggiunge:

The distortion has this ability to envelope you, and not push you away. It has this strange kind of beautiful timbre…once you give into the sheer power of it, and let it take you on a ride then it becomes this whole other kind of sonic experience.

THE BODY è presentato in Italia da

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