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Live Bands

Harrison Stafford

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Harrison Stafford is the lead singer and guitar of Groundation. In 1999, Stafford teamed up with Kris Dilbeck to found Young Tree Records and release Groundation's first album of the same name.

Harrison Stafford was surrounded by Music, his father played jazz piano, and his brother was listening Bob Marley and Peter Tosh. Reggae Music touched Harrison's core at childhood

Harrison had a passion for reggae, Rastafari, and Jamaica even to have his Bar Mitzvah themed JAMAICA. He travelled to Jamaica where he met the leaders (also called elders) of this culture such as Mortimer Planno, and then he travelled in Zimbabwe (Africa) at 18.

Harrison Stafford is highly charismatic. He is truly one of the icon of the 21th century, he gives a message of Peace and stands for equal rights and justice.

With his exceptional voice, Harrison Stafford is able to create some of the most astounding vocal feats of the new reggae scene.

Harrison Stafford is part of the band Groundation and this page was created in the idea of unity.

"We always think that we have a beat on time, but time always has a beat on us" Harrison Stafford

Harrison Stafford è presentato in Italia da

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